Week# 12

Яша баскетболистCreative Commons License Matvey Smychkov via Compfight


Basketball is my second favorite sport next to Baseball. When I do play Basketball I play for Springfield with a bunch of my friends. When I do play Basketball I play at post so under the hoop.


Some of the things i don´t enjoy about Basketball is losing, losing makes me mad. Another thing I also don´t like about Basketball is fouling out. Fouling out is when you get your max fouls of 5 then you cant play no more. This has happend to me before and it sucks.


I like playing Basketball because obviously its fun and I like playing with my friends. Another thing I like is getting the ball and shooting it. It feels good when you make a shot. Also when ever you when a game it feels really good unlike losing though. I would insist on playing Basketball. Also if you do whats your favorite team?





Week #7

Milo and his WatermelonCreative Commons License Donnie Ray Jones via Compfight.com 

Watermelon is very essential to me. If I could I would eat watermelon every day. It is my favorite food. What is your favorite food?


Watermelon grows from a seed. The seeds are produced from other watermelons. The seed is planted in the ground and should be water’d, then it slowly grows.



Round and green and red in between

cutting into the fruit my mouth starts to water

seeds or no seeds I don’t mind watermelon forever





Week 5 family and cultre

I live with my Mom and sister. I have a great grandma and nanna that live in thurston. My sister loves going to the gym and goes to OSU college. My mom works at a dental office. Then there’s me that goes to middle school.  But me my and my sister are fine and we share interests like sports and netflix, but I love my family.




SOMETIMES PEOPLE TEACH YOUCreative Commons License marc falardeau via Compfight



Week 7 Lets Talk About School

Lets talk about school and my day and class schedule. For my first two periods i go to Math and Science for two hours. After that I go to my electives, some electives are Drama, P.E., Art, Computers etc. My first elective is Drama, its not my favorite but sometimes its fun. My next and favorite one is P.E. , we do all fun things in there that I like and my friends like. Then after about an hour we go to my second favorite thing of the day, lunch. Our lunch is about 45 minutes and for 10 minutes we eat then we get to play Basketball or Soccer or go outside. Soon later our teacher tells us we have to go in and sit at the tables. After about a minute of waiting we get excused to go to connect or advisory. My advisory teach is the same teacher that teaches math. 45 minutes later we go to our last 2 periods. My next period is Language arts, this class is an hour long. After that we get to go on a walk around the school whicht I love. Soon we get inside and its my last period of the day, Social Studies. Like my last period I am in it for an hour. I’ll be sitting there then the bell will ring then I get my stuff and leave and go home. That is my school day, hope you enjoyed.

Week #3 Poem- Samuel Oviatt

BaseballCreative Commons License Justin LaBerge via Compfight

I had just finished with my first Baseball game in  the playoffs and we made it to the championship game. I was really feeling the nerves and butterflys. I just started to walk out on the field then I got super excited knowing what I was doing. The first inning we were not hitting and we got all 3 outs and they scored no runs. Then we came up and scored 4 and I brung in 2 runs. Then till the 5th inning evrything was going ok then it was our last time to hit. I was up and I hit a homerun to cut down 2 innings for there team. Then for the final out I got a grounder and I threw a bullet to first base, then I knew it it was over we had won the championship.



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